MODERN ABAYAS | Jilbab | Bushiyya Abaya

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Abayas today come in many new styles and designs. You do not need to cover yourself in a plain black gown only if you want to wear Abaya but in fact nowadays abayas have evolved into new and modern styles. There are even  fashion designers who are creating many beautiful and amazing styles of Abayas to give the Islamic women a new look along with the modesty and innocence that the Abaya guarantees.

In this article we will tell you about some new forms of Abaya.


It is mostly worn by women in Asia including countries like Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Iran. It is meant to cover the arms and body of the woman wearing it leaving the face uncovered. The scarf that is used to cover the head may be of a different and fancy color. It is different from the Abaya gown because it is quite loose in its fitting.

Bushiyya  Abaya

This is another kind of Abaya. It covers the face of the women too. The head or forehead is covered by a scarf that is worn along with the Abaya gown. In order to make it look colorful, the scarf can be of a different color than the color of the gown. The scarf can also be made to look pretty by adding fancy laces along its lining.

So this was some information about latest Abaya fashion and see below latest Designs.


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