Nose Rings- Now a Fashion more than a Ritual

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Nose Rings- Now a Fashion more than a Ritual

Nose Rings- Now a Fashion more than a Ritual

Nose piercing had been a ritual in older days. It was mandatory for girls to pierce their nose on their wedding on which they were supposed to wear heavy nose rings, specifically in South Asian Countries. Piercing nose has really different meanings in different cultures, regions and religions. Almost all of them were based on superstitions.

Nose Rings- Now a Fashion more than a Ritual

But now you will even see a lot of western girls of this generation having some stylish nose pins. So, now wearing a nose pin is a matter of fashion and style rather than tradition or superstitions as people have now, to a large extent, overcome these superstitions.

Nose Rings- Now a Fashion more than a Ritual

Even now men wear nose rings. Getting a nose ring for yourself is now a matter of fun as there are available some really good designs in markets, that you can get for your nose. Gone are the days, when people used to buy only gold or platinum jewelry as now nose rings are available in cheap and artificial matter with superbly crafted designs.

Nose Rings- Now a Fashion more than a Ritual

If you want your nose pin to be simple then you can get one but now people prefer some stylish designs like you can have nose rings by which some stones are attached at the end of the nose ring loop. Despite being simple, it gives really elegantly stylish look to one’s face.

Nose Rings- Now a Fashion more than a Ritual

Then there are nose rings of small size which are styled by the design of a heart shape or a flower shape at the end of their loop and it looks really nice.

If you want one for yourself then look for the designs on your search engine and you would be surprised to see the great variety.

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