Yes you can get your answers through reading of tarot cards and LJ can do it for you. She has studied Tarot for 19 years and use esoteric, theoretical, and psyche methods to gauge an accurate reading for my subject. Tarot is sensitive to all energies. In one of her readings, you can hear an older chick from the nest in a tree squawking. By the end of the reading it had settled down, and she had pulled a clarifier of two birds tending to their nest.
You will find the Tarot often uses one set of energies to explain another. This is because universal energies are interconnected. In another reading, whilst she was pulling the clarifier card, she accidentally mucked up the cards. However, by the end of the reading she had noticed that one of the cards had slipped under another. The card had a picture of an ashamed man that was trying to hide from his ex, and lady in the picture was also knocked in the opposite direction.
If you ask a genuine question of the Tarot, there is a high chance the cards are reflective of your situation. If you have a question about #love and #relationships, feel free to visit her YouTube channel. Click on the link for your tarot reading today!
For a private reading, please visit her page at #Fiverr.
I hope you will find the answers you seek.